I feel better that I'm not the only one getting the "weepies" with this pregnancy, and that small things can trigger the weepies for a grown man as much as it can for me. Last week while Scott and I were at Ollie's, I came across a little board-book called "I'll love you no matter what" and decided to grab it for the baby. Upon giving it to my big strong man, I hear "uh, I need to go check something." Thinking that maybe he forgot something in a different aisle, etc. I asked him what he forgot, and when I look up at him, I see the glassy eyes filling with tears. :-) Yes, my grown man "just thought about the fact that I will have a child to read books to" and became a bit overcome with emotion. It was absolutely one of the sweetest things I have ever seen, and it was so wonderful to know that this is something that makes him so happy also. :-D
Friday was our most recent midwife appointment, and so far we have seen 3 of the 6 midwives at the office. 2 of the three I have really liked, but one I thought could jump out a window. Hahaha. Baby had a good strong heartbeat, and we were able to find it right away with the doppler. We discussed induction and my strong resistance to the use of potocin if at all possible. The midwife said that everything sounded great with the baby and that we are able to have our next ultrasound right at 20 weeks, which is just under 3 weeks from now, and that will be when we can find out gender. Our next appointment is Friday the 22nd, and hopefully we will be able to find out if we will be having a little boy or a little girl then!!! :-)
Other than that, Hailey is almost completely house trained! YAY! Scott was at drill this weekend, so I relaxed since the next couple of weeks are going to be kind of nuts for me. Next week I have the final prep for a big conference at work, and then from Saturday through Wednesday I will be in Baltimore to work the booth for the conference. I will definitely be good and tuckered out by the time I get back!
Hope all is well for all of you!
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