Wednesday, January 26, 2011

We're Pregnant!!!

Well, we found out about a week and a half ago that I'm Pregnant! I figured a baby-blog might be a good idea for the family so they can follow our progress.

So far: Had our first Dr's appointment. My estimated due date is around September 10th, 2011. So far, baby let's me eat pretty well. I get a little woozy, but at 7 weeks, I still really haven't had much morning sickness (except for taking those terrible pre-natal vitamins!). I will admit, I do have a whole new appreciation for food, especially watermelon (OMG! Best food on the planet!!!) and french-fries (yum!). The Dr. said I should start looking for an OBGYN or a Mid-Wife. I'm still trying to decide which we would prefer. OBGYN's definitely have the medical experience, but will they be as attentive to my wishes as a Mid-wife would? Ah, questions questions! He said I should make an appointment for when I'm about 10 weeks though, so I do still have some time.

Scott has been amazing. Between rubbing me down with shea and cocoa butter to prevent stretch marks, to willingly taking me in the middle of a snowstorm to go get ham and watermelon before he went to work, I really couldn't ask for a better father-to-be. He is very attentive and understanding, and has the good nature to laugh it off when I'm being a little whiny or cranky. :-)

I will try and post once a week, and will start posting belly pics once there is something to actually see. Thanks everyone for the support & well-wishes!


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